Pet Portraits

As part of our service, we can arrange to have a portrait of your pet made for you.

The artist we recommend is a lady called Nina Kurzweil, a very talented artist living in the beautiful Peak District.

The Kennel Club recently commissioned Nina to do a portrait of two of HM the Queen’s own cockers spaniels. This was to present to her to say “thank you” for hosting the 2022 and 91st annual Cocker Spaniel Championships at Windsor Great Park. The painting was of Wolferton Drama and Mallowdale Diamond.

This portrait was made even more special as Wolferton Drama went on to win the championships. The first of the Queen’s dogs to ever win the championships.

Nina is a very sought-after artist and there is a fairly long waiting list. For more examples of her work please visit her website

Memorial Jewellery

Part Of Me Memorial Jewellery is based in East Tytherley, Near Romsey.

Emma Gray personally sets the ashes into each piece of jewellery, rest assured your ashes are always dealt with, with the utmost care. She can set human or pets ashes, hair or fur.

Her extensive range of memorial jewellery caters for both men and women and includes rings, earrings, cufflinks, urns, trinket boxes, charms & bracelets. Her jewellery is stunning, unique & very modern. Most of her pieces hold ashes set into resin, however, a few of her necklaces and the urns contain pure powdered ashes, placed behind see-through glass.

To see her range, please visit

Personalised memorials

We can arrange for you to have a personalised memorial made for your pet.

You can order Headstones, Grave Stones, Plaques, Stakes, Slate shapes, and other items with personalised names and messages.

The company we use only deals with crematoria and undertakers and so don’t have a web page to look at.

If you wish any kind of memorial please contact us and we will forward on the brochure for you to choose from either in pdf to your computer or the good old fashioned way through the post. You can then put your order for your memorial in through us and it will be sent directly to you from the manufacturer. There is a large range to choose from in different materials with different fonts. There are many more pictures than the ones shown here.

All the memorials are handmade in the UK.